What You Need To Know About Student Visa Renewal?

Verify the expiration date of your present visa on your immigration paperwork and start preparing so that you may submit your application well in advance. You will need to begin planning for your visa application at least one month in advance and you must submit your application for a visa extension before the date on which your existing visa expires, if not before. Three months before the expiration of your existing visa is the earliest you may apply. On an individual basis, the Visa and Immigration team can provide additional guidance. 

Start preparing your financial evidence

Plan for your financial proof as soon as possible. You will need bank statements proving you have kept the necessary amounts in your account for at least 28 days if you or your parents are paying your fees. You must submit your visa application thirty-one days after the last transaction date. Your CAS will include the tuition you have already paid to the university; nevertheless, you will want proof of income to cover the remaining fees and living expenses.

Meet the requirements for a CAS

You will need a confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS) from the university to apply for a student visa in Australia. You do not need to apply for a CAS if you are extending your student visa to continue your studies beyond one level such as going from an undergraduate to a postgraduate programme or from a presessional English course to an academic programme. You must fulfil the prerequisites to be granted one. This can be requested up to six months before the expiration of your existing visa or earlier if the Visa and Immigration team instructs you to do so.

Submit your application online

Once your answers and accompanying documentation are accurate, you may submit your application for a visa. Your official application date is the day you pay the visa application fee and it must fall on or before the expiration of your present visa. The student visa Fee in Australia will be higher if you have selected the faster priority service if it’s available at the time of your application. The Visa and Immigration team can help you calculate how much you will pay. 

Use the visa-checking service

Although it’s not required, we strongly advise you to utilise our free visa checker before completing your online application. An immigration adviser’s review of your application reduces the possibility that it will be rejected which might have an impact on your registration with the university and immigration status. The officials will rigorously check your visa application and will tell if anything is incorrect or if the student visa requirements in Australia are not fulfilled. They will also check any applications for your family members applying as dependants.  

You will get an email upon approval of your application with the terms and restrictions of your new visa as well as confirmation that your application was accepted. You will be able to check your immigration status online if you are granted digital status. You will be able to create a share code that you will need to give the university for us to maintain current records and confirm your immigration status. 

Contact Us For Student Visa Enquiry Details

Australian Immigration And Settlement Service offers skilled migration agents to fulfil your requirement in visa consultation. We will assign a professional with whom you can discuss your requirements and get the appropriate suggestions. For further information contact us at 0401-091-819 or email us at Fathi@australianiss.com


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